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We licence images for an infinite range of uses from greetings cards and advertising posters, to museum displays and digital learning products (including some more unusual licences such as scented car sachets, wallpaper and even tattoos!). For this reason, it is impossible for us to list our full range of fees on our website.
If you would like a quote, please call us on 020 8318 0034 or email us at pictures@maryevans.com and somebody will quickly get back to you to discuss your particular project.
Picture fees are based on the type and extent of use so if you are able to provide us with as much information as possible that would be helpful. We will need to know what it is you are using the image for, and, where relevant, the print run or number of units produced, the distribution, size and time scale.
Please bear in mind that we are very happy to discuss preferential deals based on quantity, or agree special fees for regular users so we would encourage you to get in touch so we can discuss your requirements.
We invest time and expertise in making our unique image collection available and believe our pictures represent good value. We also aim to be flexible and work with clients' budgets. So do get in touch - we're here to help.
For anyone interested in acquiring images for personal use as display in the home, visit our print site www.prints-online.com where you can purchase quality prints in a variety of sizes and finishes, framed and unframed.