Testimonials |
You are the very best picture library going. Your speed is very greatly appreciated.
Paul Ford, Isle of Man Post Office. |
Would just like to say a big thank you for finding us some fantastic images - you've made what I thought was going to be a difficult task a lot easier.
Matt Bateman, Department of Health website. |
"Dear Mr Brown, I just wanted to write you this afternoon in regards to a wonderful series of interactions I had with Jessica Talmage. Ms. Talmage followed up repeatedly on a difficult image request of ours with your Spanish agent, AISA, and was able to get us a much needed larger scan in a very expedient amount of time. Throughout the process Ms. Talmage kept me up to date, and was very graceful under pressure.
I wanted to take the time and opportunity to tell about this experience, and to compliment you on your quality people at the Mary Evans Picture Library. Although often our image subject needs fall outside of your sphere, I will not hesitate to go to Mary Evans in the future when appropriate. It was truly a great experience!
Matthew Mayer, The Teaching Company |
"I would also like to say that whenever I need something of yours, and usually at short notice, I find everyone at Mary Evans to be most helpful and extremely efficient.
Stephen Nelson, Council of British Archaeology Magazine |
"Dear Rachael, Thank you for all your help on the Jeremy Irons film. It has been invaluable."
Miriam Walsh, Wall to Wall TV |
"I must say, it is a pleasure to work with MARY EVANS and especially with you, Tom. I feel, I have to mention this, as it is not the rule these days. People utter their opinions when they have something to complain about and rather seldom do they write anything, when a cooperation is fine. Money, I feel, is not everything in the world. Quality of work and life means also the pleasure to work with decent people..."
Hubertus Kanus, Contributing Photographer |
"Dear Mr. Vivian, Many thanks .... the Mary Evans Picture Library has been the most efficient and helpful of all the various picture libraries I have dealt with in the course of compiling the photographs for this book."
Michael Occleshaw, Author |
"There are many picture libraries who now send us regular newsletters and updates on their activities, but while I delete most of them rather quickly, I always take the time to explore one or all of the featured topics within the Mary Evans newsletter. It is fascinating, stimulating and totally British in its quirkiness! The library has successfully transferred the quintessential flavour of the archive to its web presence."
Diana Korchien, Editor, Montage |
"Dear Tom, I just wanted to say thank you to you and Rachael for all your excellent searching. It's going to be a really strong picture book and I'm really
grateful, I thought all the material you sent though was amazing - it's taken me quite a while to get through it all because it was all so interesting. I now have a huge pile of picture options so thanks again."
Amanda Russell, Freelancer for Harper Collins, London |
"Mary Evans Picture Library has a particularily unique product, and their picture researchers know how to unearth the most obscure requests from the archive. When I'm in a hurry with deadlines to meet, I just give them a call and off they go like bloodhounds!"
Rebecca Hawtrey, The Field |
"Thank you for your assistance with the book. As always, it was a pleasure dealing with Mary Evans, where researchers
like me are given great service and communication always indicates that you are dealing with real people."
Freelancer for Harcourt Education |
"Great pictures - wish I worked at Mary Evans."
"I want to thank you for all your help and to tell you that your site is great. I wouldn't have been able to have
those images for our books without you and that dino table is a really great addition to the book - the kids will love it."
Weigl Educational Publishers |
"Thank you so much for all your help with this project. We have been really impressed with the service we have received,
the huge choice of pictures you have, and the speed with which this order is being processed. We will definitely be working
with you on future titles."
Omnipress |
"yay! - that's fantastic, thanks v much, it's just what I was looking for. Brilliant, if only everything else in my day had been this easy... "
Chrysalis Books |
"Every time we use Mary Evans you get more efficient."
Good Books |
"Thank you again for bearing with us... We're always delighted to work with the staff at MEPL, and your images
add immensely to the quality of our books."
Madison Press Books |
"In closing I would like to sing the praises of MEPL on-line searchable database. We, here, at The Teaching Company
are thrilled at the wonderful images you have available. I am quite certain we will be ordering much more from you."
The Teaching Company |
"Also, thank you all at Mary Evans for the help you've given in the past year to Bizarre - it's amazing what you have
come up with for us at times and it is appreciated."
Bizarre Magazine |
"I am very appreciative of your help with this project. The selection of images you provided was wonderful and your
service has been flawless."
Greenhaven Press |
"Thank you so much for your help and patience with my last-minute request - you have been so wonderful to work with,
and packages from MEPL were always opened with excitement in our office. It's a fantastic resource, and our pages often
looked great because of you. It has been a pleasure to work with you, and I hope I will get a chance to do so again."
Saturday Night Photo Dept |
"We absolutely love the images from your collection, and the other researchers and I have found your library to be
the best organized we've worked with. We've been very impressed with the amount of detailed information attached to each picture."
Middlemarch Films |
"I was talking to an OU colleague yesterday, and mentioned I work part-time for a picture library .... "Which one?" he asked ....
"Mary Evans", I said ...... "Oh, the famous one!" he replied."
Gill Stoker |
"You really did a great job today and it was a pleasure to go to work and introduce people to the wonders of the MEPL
archive. They had no idea of who you were and what you do. They do now!. Please keep my e-mail details and phone number...
you never know where I'll turn up next; Come to think of it.. neither do I !"
Freelance Picture Researcher |